news, promotion
Colour your day with our colorful campaign – Celio* and Ham&eggs events brings you a lot of summer mood.
Our smiley promoters helps to people to understand more about the new Celio campaign!
Life is a party, isn’t it?
Spring is here! Promo campaign for our clients for men fashion Celio*! Come and get the vaucher for discount for all jeans products from our beautiful hostess!
The main idea is Celio clients to feel the qualities and fabrics of Celio jeans. We hide the discount vauchers in the pockets. Come and find them. Life is a party, isn’t it?
We love Christmas! The mood, the presents, and all those smiles! Ham and eggs events helps to our french client Celio* to make the best presentation for their Christmas discounts. The advent calendars (comatex construtions, looks like a christmas tree and special designed) were full of surprises and the hosstes helps to Celio* costumers to understand more about the campaign. Three weeks full of presents! Life is a party, isn’t it?
Celio* is a French men’s clothing retailer headquartered in Saint-Ouen, France. Locally for Bulgaria, for Business park Sofia, Ham&eggs events support the brand with BTL campaign, which promoted their business shirts for the autumn campaign. People were very positive about the campaign and the brand added value was positive atitude and good sales. Life is a party! Isn’t it?