news, promotion
Do you love fresh, clean clothes, with a great aroma? Persil disks is the new Persil product. Ham&eggs promo clean&fresh team made a national outdoor and indoor campaign and give free samples with information for the newest innovation of Persil. Life is a party? But after the party, someone have to clean up your clothes, right?news, promotion
Ham&eggs events exectued a national campaign for one of the top brands for detergent solutions – Perwoll. Perwoll provides best active care solutions for colors and fibers for all clothes. We are covering 20 towns in the whole country and we have team with more than 120 promoters. That’s why our clients can have their ambassadors everywhere in Bulgaria. For this winter campagin we decide to cover and all christmas unvonventional bazars in Sofia – Cosmos, Ko op and Bold Christmas bazar, which add a very nice new brand value for Perwoll. Life is a party, much better with perfeclty clean clothes, right?event, news
1st of June is what? YYYES! Of course , Children’s day!
Mall Veliko Tarnovo choose Ham &eggs events to make one unforogetable celebration! So, we did it!
One day, which is forbbiden for grown ups!
One day, only for kids – with a lot fun, dances, singing, prizes, free ice cream and sugar clouds!
A great host magician.. and one reality fairy tale!
Do you know what is reality fairy tale?
You are the main character of the fairy tale, you have to save the princess.
But you have to go trough few challenges to save the princess and win the prize. Life is a party , isn’t it?
event, news
Ham and eggs events helps to Kamenitza AD to organise a Christmas party, full of great mood, fun and Christmas spirit. Big stage, christmas decoration, funny games , great musicians and … beer of course. Oh, yes! And a lot of inspiration. As they say “Think big”. Do you belive in this? Life is a party, isn’t it?
news, promotion
We love Christmas! The mood, the presents, and all those smiles! Ham and eggs events helps to our french client Celio* to make the best presentation for their Christmas discounts. The advent calendars (comatex construtions, looks like a christmas tree and special designed) were full of surprises and the hosstes helps to Celio* costumers to understand more about the campaign. Three weeks full of presents! Life is a party, isn’t it?